Sunday, February 1, 2009

Will The Ground Hog Appear

it's Ground Hog's Day tomorrow. It will tell us if we can celebrate or not. If winter is almost over depending on the ground hog comes out of it's hole and stays or runs back in and still have more cold weather and snow to contend with.

It actually has been nice in the last couple days. I am sorry to grind it in to y'all that still have contend with the blistery cold.

Just to add a little humor to this post I live in Myrtle Beach. We have many tourists that come down here to escape the snow. First there are alot of people from the south. They make me laugh when they tell me when it is 50, this is C-O-L-D. Cold are you kidding they need to go up north to know what cold is. Now when you talk 20-30's that is cold and it actually cold a few times this year.

We were ecstatic a few weeks ago it was forecasted, we are getting snow. You have to understand that here, most people don't even know or even feel or taste it is foreign to them.

What the south does, since we are not equipped with salt and the trunks. You are going to laugh. They closed everything down.. You ask so how much did you get. A big drum roll, A BIG -0- ZILCH!! I went to class in the evening there was not a drop on the ground and guess what when I got there, the whole school was empty not one car. How stupid it looked ridiculous. Then the next day a late opening at 10 AM. I missed my A/P at 8 am. This was so ridiculous.

The next thing is when I see people on the street in Myrtle Beach. You won't believe this they are sun bathing in 30 degree weather. Or they are wearing flip flops and shorts in this weather. Us natives from SC ( I have lived here 8 yrs) can tell a tourist from a native. It is just so funny. A few of us are trying to figure out the rationale to all this. it must be that they want to rub it in when they get back to Minnesota, and such places.

With this note here is the trailer to Ground Hog's Day if you would like to watch.