Monday, May 17, 2010

Book Club Meeting In May

We had our book club hosted by me. We had nine members and friends at my house. We had a good discussion, and very diverse. What I liked this time I had a new computer that was set up at my living room. I could access everything from my computer. If someone had a question about the next book all I had to do was google the information. It was just awesome.

I opened up the book club discussion with the synopsis of the book. Then I read snipets of book reviews. We talked about the history, the isolation, the brotherly love, and of course the hoarding.

There was so much to talk about in this book. One person brought up the theme of the book. About taking the wars in prospective and the different wars of Langley's life. WW1, WW2, Korean War, and Vietnam and the effect of all the different wars that effected Langley's life. I thought I took all aspects of the book. But never realized that one.

We than talked about hoarding. Most people thought that hoarder's was a illness that happened to senior citizens. I brought up to watch AandE and you will see young people having this problem as well as old. Usually it seems hoarding comes from some kind of tragedy in someone's life. But I am not a counselor. If you would like to know. Then you need to contact someone that is more experienced than I. I know when I was younger, a preteen. I had a friend that I knew her parents were like that. It was a obstacle course in their house.

I enjoyed hosting and discussing the book, Homer and Langley. I have been involved with studies that I did not concentrate in the past book choices. This was the first book I felt in a long time that I became infused in the book as well as the discussion. This is a good book to have a book discussion. I did find discussion questions. But we made some up ourselves.

This is our schedule till September:
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Nineteen Minutes
Realiable Wife
Nineteenth Wife

I am happy with the book choices we made up to September.